November 1
How wokeness could cost the Democrats the election
Identitarian activists are the Achilles’ heel of the Democratic machine.
America’s destiny lies in the New South
Y'all Street is replacing Wall Street
November 6
The crumbling of the Democratic empire
The party of the oligarchy thought it had a right to rule forever.
November 7
Is California Shifting to the Center?
Frustration with crime and economic stagnation may be turning the Golden State a lighter shade of blue.
November 8
Elite arrogance is fueling the rise of the global right
Attacked for being 'far right' as their economic prospects slip away, voters are turning conservative
November 11
A Memo for Trump's Energy Czar
Four common sense pillars for a new national energy policy
November 12
Gavin Newsom’s California is already losing its war against Donald Trump
The governor wants to ‘Trump-proof’ the state. That would be easier if it wasn’t such a basketcase
November 15
Democrats need a new Clinton
The Republicans are far from invulnerable