Thursday, April 28

Americans Divided Over Ryan vs. Obama Deficit Plans

Gallup is out with a new poll demonstrating what most of us already know: The GOP is incapable of unifying and communicating on Paul Ryan's health care proposal.  This is all you need to know:
U.S. adults are evenly split in their reactions to the major deficit-reduction plans being debated in Washington. Forty-four percent prefer the Democratic plan proposed by President Barack Obama, while 43% say Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's plan is better.
Until we get better explaining to the people, this will continue to be the norm, and we will lose people, then we'll lose elections.

Tuesday, April 5

Paul Ryan Proposes Serious Budget; The Left Attacks, Offers Nothing

On Tuesday, Congressman Paul Ryan proposed a serious governing document for America, called The Path to Prosperity (read the plan here), it's a great place to start the national dialogue about so many issues.  The response from the Left is typical.  They have begun to attack Ryan, the GOP and the budget proposal, all of this while never offering a serious proposal of their own.

First, you should read Congressman Ryan's op-ed in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal.

Second, you should read this tweet from Leftist San Franciscan Nancy Pelosi: "The #GOP Ryan budget is a path to poverty for America's seniors & children and a road to riches for big oil #GOPvalues" When you stop laughing at poor Nancy and her standard madlib, fill in the blank template, you should contact your congressman and make sure they are on board with this budget.

Finally, in my recent posts, I have been calling for Transformational Change. This governing proposal is a small step in the right direction. Government will still play too large a role in our lives under this proposal, but this proposal is a step in the right direction.

Saturday, April 2

The Flat Tax: How it Works and Why it is Good for America

Take 7 minutes and watch this very important video from Cato Institute's Dan Mitchell as he discusses the Flat Tax.