Friday, March 22

Clearing the Tabs 3-22-2019

Some things I've read this week or will be reading over the weekend.

March 17
The rise of free lunch economics and the growth of our national debt

If The University Admissions 'Scandal' Bothers You, So Does Human Nature

March 18
Understanding the Trade Deficit

March 19
Martin Wolf Isn't the Solution to 'Secular Stagnation,' He Is Secular Stagnation

Here is a guy in New Jersey who has stolen an ATM machine and he is trying to get it onto a city bus. Incredible.
March 20
New Academic Study: Payroll Tax Burdens Stifle Entrepreneurship

Friday, March 8

Clearing the Tabs 3-8-2019

Some things I've read this week or will be reading over the weekend.

March 2
The Imperial Presidency

March 4
Brady, Arrington & Estes Point to Trade as Key Issue for Country this Year
“If we’re able to have a fair deal with China, then the future is much brighter for the next generation of farmers and ranchers.”

March 5
Yet Another Bogus Claim: Medicare for All Boosts Economic Growth

March 6
Taking on Addiction

Some Towns Are Trashing Their Costly, Inefficient Recycling Programs
The market seems to be sending towns and cities a powerful message that there is no need to recycle all the things all the time.

Friday, March 1

Clearing the Tabs 3-1-2019

Some things I've read this week or will be reading over the weekend.

February 26
Why Suburbs Need to be the Next Frontier for Cities Policy

How to think about a wealth tax — Political Economy with James Pethokoukis

February 27
Where Millennials Really Go for Jobs
Contrary to media hype, tech firms and young workers aren’t flocking to “superstar” cities.

March 1
Why Social Justice Is Killing Synagogues and Churches
Data suggests that the more a religious movement is concerned with progressive causes, the more likely it is to rapidly lose members