Saturday, August 31

Clearing the Tabs August 2019

Some things I've read this month or will be reading soon.

August 2
Estonia Experiments with Higher Taxes, Learns a Lesson

August 3
The regression of America’s big progressive cities

August 4
Economic Illiteracy from the New York Times

August 24
Public schools should be places of learning, not propaganda
"Public schools need to focus not on ideology but on intelligent pragmatism. They should focus on both on improving reading and math scores and becoming reliable suppliers of talent to our local companies."

August 26
How the 1619 Project Rehabilitates the ‘King Cotton’ Thesis
My friend of nearly 20 years now, Phil Magness, continues to ruin theories of Leftists

August 31
The Recycling Folly
The bottom line is that most recycling programs impose a fiscal and personal cost on people for very meager environmental benefits.

Monday, August 19

Note for Parents with Kids Going Back to School

I am not saying grades are not important, but I saw this some time ago and I thought, "how much greater could we be if we measured kids in this way?"