Goldwater, Nixon, and WFB
November 19
Watching the Sausage Get Made
Watching the Sausage Get Made
November 20
Media Banality Is a Covid Comorbidity
Deaths have nothing to do with Vietnam or jumbo jet crashes but with nature’s viral genetic lottery.
November 23
Corona-Absurdity Collides with California, New York, and Thanksgiving
The Original Thanksgiving Proclamation
November 25
France’s COVID Fail
Guilt Without Vice, Innocence Without Virtue
There is no shortage of memorable gems in this inviting and challenging book on the scourge of identity politics.
November 26
Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving proclamation provides comfort during challenging time
Gratitude: What We Owe to Our Country
These days, those opportunities are more often found in its suburbs and sprawl than in the cities that once defined it.
November 29
After 31 years, moving from a home is much more than leaving a structure