Here are some things I've read so far this month or will be reading soon. A lot of people are staying at home looking for things to read, so I've broken this month into two parts again, expect a post on March 15. Also, just because I post something here does not mean I agree with it, it simply means it made me think and I think my readers might enjoy it.
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February 19How we have mischaracterized climate risk
February 22
A little history of the hydrocarbon processing that meets society’s demands
Berkman and Cruz Face Each Other as Coaches for the First Time
You Can't Fix the Housing Crisis With Houses. We Need New Cities.
Does California know what time it is?
First-ever decline in population punctures long-held presumptions of desire, demand
February 27
It’s the culture, stupid
February 28
Biden Continues To Flip-Flop On Crude Oil Policies