Saturday, April 30

Clearing the Tabs April 30, 2022

Here are some things I've read so far this month or will be reading soon. A lot of people are staying at home looking for things to read, so I've broken this month into two parts again, expect a post on April 15. And note that just because I post something here does not mean I agree with it, it simply means it made me think and I think my readers might enjoy it.

For $15 in ride credit, download the Lyft app using my referral link.
It's the most affordable ride in town. Terms apply.

April 16
From Austria to Pittsburgh in 100 years: Community sustains this centenarian

What We Keep Getting Wrong About the Right
Trumpism wasn’t inevitable, but his dark vision of conservatism has been around a lot longer than he has.

April 18
How the boomers robbed the young of all hope
Younger generations inherit a world in which the middle ranks are struggling almost everywhere

April 21
Serfing the Future?

Wait, Environmentalists Are Anti-Technology

April 23
The Kids Are Not Alright and the Center Is No Longer Holding

April 25
The State & the Natural Moral Law

Paying the Poorly Educated

April 28
How to Stop Freaking Out
If you can prevent your emotions from taking over in the face of stress, you can avoid a lot of regret and set a good example for others.

Friday, April 15

Clearing the Tabs April 15, 2022

Here are some things I've read so far this month or will be reading soon. A lot of people are staying at home looking for things to read, so I've broken this month into two parts again, expect a post on April 15. And note that just because I post something here does not mean I agree with it, it simply means it made me think and I think my readers might enjoy it.

For a $7.50 in ride credit, download the Lyft app using my referral link.
It's the most affordable ride in town.

April 1
The Continuing Importance of Thomas Sowell

April 4
Saving America from Planet-Threatening Fossil Fuels?

When the Arc of History Bends Back Toward the Dark Ages

April 5
Making Beethoven Woke
Revisionist performances of classic works deconstruct our precious links to the past.

April 7
A Gentler, Better Way to Change Minds
Stop wielding your values as a weapon and start offering them as a gift.

April 10
Pennsylvania's dramatic shift rightward is a warning sign for both parties about

April 11
Tulane and UCF Pace American, ECU Not Far Behind

The Metaverse Isn’t Real Yet but It’s Already Really Lucrative
And it’s going to be real, and vast, much sooner that you might think.

America Is Headed for Class Warfare

Transit Ridership 53.8% of Pre-Pandemic Levels

April 12
Texas is the future
California can't compete with a new American Dream

Red Dusk
Xi Jinping’s China faces challenges of its own.