Sunday, August 19

Leftists Get Hallway Quote Removed at HISD School

Devout Leftists have won against a school in Houston Independent School District (HISD). The Houston Chronicle reports that HISD has backed down from a quote they have painted in the hallways of a school. As you can see below, the quote that so offended the Left read like this, "The more you act like a lady, the more he'll act like a gentleman."

Wrapped in devout Leftist prose like "victim-blaming" and "perpetuating," the Left went all out against a concept that actual could make lives better and could actually make students think twice about decisions in life. The Leftists who opposed this must have thought this was an all girl school, it is not. Boys and girls alike would see this sign. If you start making young men think about what they face in the real world, I don't see how that is a bad thing, but I'm also not a Leftist.

One word that really frightens the Left is responsibility. No one is ever at fault, well, except for men. But no one wants to take responsibility.

The Democrats and Progressives just never quit. If you really have a problem with this quote, re-evaluate yourself and your values. "The more you act like a lady, the more he'll act like a gentleman" indeed.

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