Tuesday, February 28

Clearing the Tabs February 28, 2023

Here are some things I've read so far this month or will be reading soon. A lot of people are staying at home looking for things to read, so I've broken this month into two parts again, expect a post on March 15. Also, just because I post something here does not mean I agree with it, it simply means it made me think and I think my readers might enjoy it.

For $15 in ride credit, download the Lyft app using my referral link.
It's the most affordable ride in town. Terms apply.

February 20
A Biblical Perspective on Wisdom & Foolishness

February 21
Lemuel Haynes: The Most Important American Figure That You’ve Never Heard Of

February 22
Meet the Woke Activists behind the Roald Dahl Book Purge

February 23
Happiness Is a Warm Coffee
All hail the miracle bean.

February 27
Beyond Davos
If the Davos crowd has demonstrated anything, it is the futility of their posturing.

Wednesday, February 15

Clearing the Tabs February 15, 2023

Here are some things I've read so far this month or will be reading soon. A lot of people are staying at home looking for things to read, so I've broken this month into two parts again, expect a post on February 28 as well. Also, just because I post something here does not mean I agree with it, it simply means it made me think and I think my readers might enjoy it.

For $15 in ride credit, download the Lyft app using my referral link.
It's the most affordable ride in town. Terms apply.

February 2
The Vibe Shift

February 6
The nonprofit threat
And what it may do to us, as well as the elites who created it.

The Case for Traditional Marriage in the Midst of Efforts to Redefine It

February 8
How America’s ‘big sort’ will upend politics
The country is on the move — giving Republicans a historic opportunity

February 10
As Jerome Powell Pleads for Job Loss, Boeing's 747 Haughtily Flips Him the Finger

February 12
The retreat from globalism
People don’t want to be squelched by big business or big government.

No Solar For Scranton Joe
Last Wednesday, President Biden’s hometown zoning board rejected a 4-megawatt solar project. It’s the sixth solar rejection this year.

February 13
The rural revolution a welcome counter to the liberal green agenda
As more people move to the suburbs, they will have an opportunity to push back against centralized bureaucracies and progressive city slickers

February 15
How to Grow Stronger in Perseverance

Mysteries of the Labor Force
What the future of labor in America looks like.